SOOOO sorry for the long absence. Mama was in the US for three weeks and came home to a torrent of work. I wasn't able to keep in touch because I didn't have access to a computer at Tita Cora's, where I board in Mama's absence (more on her in a future entry) as I only fiddle with Mama's laptop when she's not looking (maybe she suspects when she sees pawprints on Macarena the MacBook?), and Macarena actually went with her on this trip! The lucky thing!
Anyway, it was a great trip for Mama, mainly because, in her own words, her soul came home -- to New York. She thought she would live there once, many years ago, long before I was born, and she went back to visit her dear friend Vanessa (Tita Nenennnn) this year after 12 years. What a long time. Of course she had her apprehensions -- would she feel fear, pain, alienation? Would there be bad memories? The minute her bus rolled out of JFK into the city, though, she knew. This is where her heart belongs. And someday, she's taking me there. And I believe her.
Mama was never wanting in canine company in Manhattan, however, not just because of the dogs on every corner -- it is her new ambition to retire as a Manhattan dog walker -- but because of Tita Nenennn's daughter, 13-year-old Ate Wembly, a gorgeous Golden Retriever. Like I've always told you, dogs have a secret language, a secret network, and a secret communication system that people can only dream of. So, unbeknownst to Mama (and to Tita Nenenn, who is unaware that Ate Wembly types in her PC password when she's gone -- HA! and she thinks Wembles just sits quietly by the door, hehehe), Ate W and I had a chat some time before Mama left. Since I wanted to ask Ate W to take care of Mama, I did the calling...
Banana: Ate Wembly? We've never met, but I'm Banana, Alya's dog. I saw your picture in the snow in the computer.
Wembly: Oh, of course, dear, how ya doin? I saw your birthday party pictures too, what fun. No Goldens, though, not good, haha! So sorry if my Mama Nenennn calls you Saging sometimes, I hope it doesn't offend you? I believe it means "Banana" in your language?
B: Oh yes, no problem. So glad you know of me already. Your mom says we actually look alike.
W: Well, that's a nice notion, dear. Although I do have so much more hair -- adaptation to the weather, you know. It gets absolutely insane here, the cold, but I'm used to it. I hear your Mama abhors the cold, though, it's a good thing she's coming over at a good time...
B: Oh, so you know she's coming over, Ate?
W: Yes, I do, dear, my Mama has even fixed up her bed for your Mama, although my Mama really does prefer the couch because that's near MY bed and the TV. And what's an Ate?
B: That means big sister, Ate W, if you don't mind my calling you that.
W: Not at all, dear. I really was an Ate myself, although I have no idea where my siblings are now. I pretty much grew up alone in a house in New Jersey.
B: Oh, Mama told me -- and now you live in Manhattan! How chic!
W: I'd tell you it's overrated if I was jaded and old, but -- no, I really do love it here, sweetie. I just wish my old bones could take me further than the corner Starbucks where I do my morning business -- I know they've got fudge brownies on the menu, but I can't help it! Anyway, my life has really changed after I moved here with Mama. Less green, but so much more love and attention. I never thought I'd be an Uptown girl in my old age! haha!
B: Oh my. I'd love to visit, Mama says she'll take me one day when she makes enough money for the ticket. If she had her way, she'd live there, you know.
W: I did hear your Mama has, shall we say, "emotional ties" to this city. Well, my Mama loves it here. She's made quite a life for herself, far from where she was born. And I daresay I have just made her life more interesting, even if we did get together rather late.
B: You know what, Ate? Mama says that too. I think we've both done a bit of life-changing. Mama always tells me I changed her life, and she's certain you've changed Tita Nenenn's life, too -- given her reason to soften up, stop, and smell the flowers more, as it were. I'm lucky that Mama and I found each other -- and you and I are lucky, Ate, that we're living with Mamas who love us to pieces!
W: Indeed, my dear. I know we both get all the baby talk and stuff, rather trying at times, but -- you know what? I think our Mamas are both aware that it's quite a relationship of equals. I mean, she watches my every move, and she understands my quirks. I do feel the respect, even if she calls me an old gal sometimes.
B: Mama can read me like a book -- she knows when I have to pee, or when I'm up to getting stroked and massaged. But sometimes the massage hurts, especially on my bad leg, but she says I need it for the therapy.
W: Honey, when you reach my age, ALL your legs become bad! But you just make the most of it. I understand you get a lot of raw stuff to eat? How interesting. Too late to try that now, my constitution may not take it, but it does sound so nouvelle cuisine.
B: Not at all, Ate, it's the way our ancestors ate. Anyway, I do hope I can see you sometime -- or you can come over and I can bring you to the beach, I'm sure mama wouldn't mind...Which is why I'm writing, by the way. Please take care of Mama when she's there, she tends to miss me, and I'm worried she'll get a little sad if the place brings her bad memories. Please cheer her up.
W: Don't worry, dearie, I will do my best. I'm sure your Mama and I will get along fine. I have to go, I expect my Mama to be bounding up the stairs any moment now, and I want to make sure I turn all the switches off or she'll know I've been up to no good! Can't let them know what we're really capable of doing, now, right, Banana girl?
B: Boy, if they only knew...
W: I'll take care of your Mommy, and I'll give you a ring after her visit to tell you how it went. I expect they'll have loads of fun...Arf Arf now, sweetie, keep your paws clean. Don't let all the boys sniff you, choose well, hehe
B:Thank you so much, Ate. Woof.
1 comment:
Dear Banananana, Thank you for including me in your Blog! Your Mama was so much fun while in New York, and quite gentle with me too. She gave me a sort of sponge bath with some sweet smelling product she bought at Petco. She said I smelled good anyway (smelled like powder)--but her bath made me smell even better and made me more lovable. I am hopeful you and your Mama can come over together and visit us in NYC! Love, Wembles, NYC Oct. '07
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