I LIKE rain -- but only up to a certain extent. That's why I look so bored in this pic, trying to fit into Mama's poor abused red beanbag (used to be hers, now mine, arf). When it rained cats and cats recently (we REFUSE to take the blame for the deluge), we were stuck inside the house. Too wet even to take a leak in the garden without getting soaked, even for a Lab like me who loves the water. Mama and I took advantage of a 10-minute window for me to do a few laps in the pool, but it rained again, grrrr.
What freaked Mama, Lola, and Tita Jane out was that the water almost entered the house. Yup, one major torrent, and we could be Atlantis soon. Why? The drains are huge, the streets clean.
Mama's conclusion? It's all the plastic, stupid. There's just too much awful plastic going around. Humans can't seem to live without this strange material anymore, which has made garbage dumps life threatening and the world's waterways mere trickles of what they used to be once upon a time.
Mama has a new resolution. QUIT THE PLASTIC. It helps that the term has apparently come to mean something terribly derogatory for people (as in, you're so plastic naman, in fairness, arf). She was inspired by the new katsa bags that they're selling at Archaeology in Rockwell for the rather steep price of P350, although it seems more fashion statement than practical option. Apparently it's a local version of the Anya Hindmarch bag that people are getting hurt lining up for. Mama's been trying to get one of the green bags at SM, but she doesn't want to sign up for an SM Advantage Card just yet. They also sell bags at Healthy Options. The bottom line is, find any reusable cloth receptacle you can get your hands on, the bigger the better, and use them instead of plastic. Make sure they're not too expensive and washable, so you won't feel iffy about putting wet stuff in there like my chicken necks and veggies. Mama even wants to cart one to Starbucks ABS-CBN after she recently got THREE paper bags for TWO items (a sandwich in a bag, a muffin in a bag, and BOTH in a bigger paper bag). What gives? I thought you guys liked trees?
Me, I once actually SWALLOWED a small plastic bag when I found something yummy in it. Good thing it didn't kill me like it does my friends the turtles, and I just poo-ed the thing out. Bottom line is, it's dangerous, so you people have got to stop using so much plastic. It wouldn't be a problem if you knew how to dispose of it, but you don't. Period. And because you wrap everything and your uncles in it, our rivers and seas and lakes will ultimately die. Think about it. I could think of a few things I'd like to put in there...
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