MY mama said she would never succumb to blogging - she hardly has enough time for me, she thinks, though I already am the center of her life - but she has decided to vent, if vicariously, through me. And why not? I think we share a voice. Yesterday somebody posited the idea that dogs share one common soul, but the more a person loves a dog, the more that dog acquires a soul of its own. That doesn't make sense, does it? We are more honest, more pure, and more trustworthy than people. Shouldn't you benefit from us? Doesn't that make us more evolved? Mama declared, on the contrary, maybe it's when a person loves a dog more that his or her soul becomes richer, more fulfilled. All I know is, I'm a 2 1/2-year-old yellow labrador, I'm female, and I see and know things that may be hard for people to fathom. This picture was taken the week my Mama got me in January, 2005.
My mama and I have been through much together -- I have helped her heal from the death of my canine sister and predecessor (we are all brothers and sisters, you see, us dogs), and she was there for me through some painful medical procedures to help ensure that I would not grow up crippled. We share a bond that is very hard to explain. She just found this quote, about a dog lover wishing people would understand why I am not "just a dog" to my mama. But it's a strange world, and people are more concerned about the most ridiculous things than having time to love each other and scratch a dog (the most noble of preoccupations, i think), so I am not surprised. But like the eternal optimists that dogs -- and particularly, us Labradors, who will run after anything you throw -- are, we still believe in humans. Even when your belief in yourselves falters.